Finding Harmony: Emotional Healing After Pregnancy Loss is a guided journal created for anyone who has experienced the heartache of infertility, pregnancy loss, and/or infant loss. After going through three recurrent miscarriages, Rachel found that literature was hard to come by from writers without living children. Finding Harmony, named for her second and most traumatic loss, includes portions of her personal story, but brings focus to the reader’s experience through writing prompts and supportive resources.

Finding Harmony is a free resource made possible by a local artist grant from the Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis. The first 500 copies were made available at the Share Walk For Remembrance And Hope in 2022, an annual walk hosted by Share Pregnancy Loss Support.

All text and photographs by Rachel Helden. Cover and overall design by Laura Grant Design. The first edition was printed by NJC Printing.

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Finding Harmony is available for download below. Read digitally, print out a copy for yourself, or send to a friend.


“So many women *need* to experience your gentle guidance through these pages. After going through a pregnancy loss our feelings can be so layered, so nuanced, so painful, so confusing, so… isolating. You hold space for all of it. Your healing words are like a warm hug.” - Erin

“I started reading it and once again am awed by the soulful way that you dance through life’s darkness and light.” - Linda

“I was honored to be a beta reader for this lovely journal by my sweet friend, Rachel. In honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, she has released it. This journal will feel like a loving companion. It’s calming and gracious and I recommend for anyone going through this unique grief.” - Emily